Ecuador fishing in Playa Prieta Portoviejo
Fishing in the Pond

Everyone has a fear of something, mine being sharks, but where I went this day puts a whole new spin on fear: snake territory, anacondas!!
After a cracking day with the Loors at the ranch , we planned to go fishing. Not your normal fishing trip that you are used to at home, using rods etc!
But this I found interesting: we had 4 poles with a net attached to them, stuck into the middle of the pond, then 1 guy with a small net in his hand and 4 others swimming around in the water.

It took me 30 minutes to get the balls to jump in the water, as this area was renowned for snakes, not to mention the walk to the pond, which involved walking through reeds and trenching through dirt up to my waist in some areas.
Any how! I was shown how to catch a fish with my bare hands by digging deep under the water! I caught one, but was no match for the experts. It took them just under an hour to catch 25 fish. UNBELIEVABLE!
I heard a scream from the corner of the water! My heart was in my mouth! Was it a snake grabbing the lad?
No, it was a shrimp! Ha ha! I think the lads are flipping crazy, digging their hands into the bank side. Anything could bite or grab you, but the scream was a shrimp nipping the lad with its claws.
It is a normal process to catch them, so they said. Two minutes later, another yelp. What a whopper. This shrimp must have grabbed him right on the chest.
5 shrimp with the 25 fish,not bad for an hour's effort!
We then packed up and trenched back through the reeds and back to the Loors, where we then had a fish supper! Rico! delicious! That was what it tasted like, but everything tastes great when it is free! wouldn't you agree?
So to conclude this post, I didn't see any snakes, I learned something new, and what an experience to save in the memory bank. Ecuador fishing in Playa Prieta portoviejo

Any how! I was shown how to catch a fish with my bare hands by digging deep under the water! I caught one, but was no match for the experts. It took them just under an hour to catch 25 fish. UNBELIEVABLE!
I heard a scream from the corner of the water! My heart was in my mouth! Was it a snake grabbing the lad?
No, it was a shrimp! Ha ha! I think the lads are flipping crazy, digging their hands into the bank side. Anything could bite or grab you, but the scream was a shrimp nipping the lad with its claws.
It is a normal process to catch them, so they said. Two minutes later, another yelp. What a whopper. This shrimp must have grabbed him right on the chest.
5 shrimp with the 25 fish,not bad for an hour's effort!
We then packed up and trenched back through the reeds and back to the Loors, where we then had a fish supper! Rico! delicious! That was what it tasted like, but everything tastes great when it is free! wouldn't you agree?
So to conclude this post, I didn't see any snakes, I learned something new, and what an experience to save in the memory bank. Ecuador fishing in Playa Prieta portoviejo