
Friday 22 January 2016

English speaking Beach tour of Manabi

English speaking Beach tour of Manabi
From the last post about an English speaking guide in Manabi, I have had numerous emails ranging from where I would suggest living in Manabi to a request for some kind of English-speaking beach tour of Manabi that could be completed over a few days or even turn it into a week's worth of traveling, stopping over night at each beach. 
This is exactly what myself and Marlon are trying to achieve by showing you all of the lovely coastal areas that Manabi has to offer. You can decide for yourself. We don't need to sell it to you.

On this beach tour, which we are currently devising, you will have the opportunity to spend the day and night if desired, itinerary will consist of visiting potential property, walking along the beaches, and finding some areas of outstanding beauty for you to take pictures while soaking up that sea air. Stopping for a bite to eat, whether it is a light lunch and a beer or to taste what the coast has to offer.We will also arrange for you to ask questions of a few locals who will be happy to tell you about the area's history, what it has become, and what they believe it will be like in the future.

While doing all of this, if you wish to participate in any activities, such as boat trips to various islands, or even have a go at fishing, then this can be added to the list.

Every beach has its own uniqueness  By the time you have finished your tour, you will have found your desired hot spot.

So the answer to the first question (where I would suggest living in Manabi?) Really, this all comes down to you. There are plenty of areas to choose from. Either join an existing expat community or search for your own private retreat. For myself, I opted to live in Portoviejo. Why? The main reason was that beach life seemed too hot for me. It was great going for a few days, but full time I may have struggled.

Although most people go for the beach as their first choice, some tend to change their mind through factors such as climate and basic amenities. For example, you can check out my post on why live in Portoviejo over the beach, I shall look forward to your emails and please comment below, as there will be more coming soon once we have completed our packages for the English-speaking beach tour of Manabi.


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