OK, post after the car guide houses is today's topic!
I could talk about this all day, but I'm going to just give you a breakdown of your options, pricing, where to look, etc., but this is just a guide as everyone has different prices ranging from 15k to 1 million dollars!
Ecuador expats looking for a new home in a project or gated community, whether in a coastal town or city. Here is an example of a gated community!!!
You learn so much when you experience all of this over here first hand. Back in the UK, I would use an estate agent, but over here, I wouldn't for the simple reason that, without being nasty, they will get as much as they can from you. The funny thing is that most agents are foreign, whether they be American or French, and they still try to rob you blind.
The first step is to look for projects that are already up and running and visit them to get an idea of the price range. Buying from a plan can be risky in Europe, I remember seeing houses from hell being built through the project etc. Well, you will not have that kind of problem, thank God, but there are many options to consider. You may be able to buy a house, say a 3 bedroom, for 25 grand at the start of the build, and as the project progresses,
I myself live in a gated community project, and if I had known the price 6 months prior, I may have been able to have bought 3 of them. Never mind, this is what it's all about learning. Always use a lawyer when buying a house. It is no different to buying a house in your own country. If you don´t understand something, ask and find out. After all, you need this to be right!
So new construction projects in gated communities tick all of my boxes, and some even include a football pitch and a swimming pool, like this one here!
Your next option is to buy land then build on it, great idea as you can build your dream home at a fraction of the cost of buying finished house at the beach up the mountains out in the country so many ideas,
When buying land look in the newspapers or talk to the locals best way if you want Ecuadorian land speak to an Ecuadorian simple, any old houses in need of renovation could be a steal also, the coast is popular and will be very expensive in years to come, but you can get land or houses on the beach at great prices, example i was offered a 2 bed apartment on the beach lovely views couldn't fault the location, but you couldn't swing a cat in that place and was asking for 60 grand having a laugh mate, but round the corner was a 5 bed house with gardens fence and great view of the beach asking 70 grand negotiable seems he would take 50 at the time as it was used only for holidays 4 times a year, but it was snapped up like a shot by a local, here is an example of a house built up in the mountains took the lad 5 years to complete, but what a house just outside of Portoviejo in manabi!

now if this is all too cheap for you then by all means spend the 100´s of thousands on houses with swimming pool it is all there if you want it great places on the beach Bahia is becoming extremely popular for foreign people next few years it will be the place to be, but look down the way
San Clemente manta San Jacinto just as nice and not to forget
Crucita Puerto Lopez and
Puerto Cayo the choice is yours,
Ecuador expats searching property if you would like any more advice/information about property in manabi check out my
buyers guide post