
Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Is it expensive to live in Quito?

Is it expensive to live in Quito? 
This is a constant question being asked that I see on so many forums, and as you can imagine, so many mixed answers. So my little take on this is a short answer of "No." It is not expensive if you follow the correct path. 
The path I am talking about is the Ecuadorian way and not the gringo way. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. If you want to live a high-end luxury lifestyle here, then expect to pay for it, especially in the north. If you want to spend over 2K per month on rent, you can find places that charge that number or close to it. This is all to do with personal preference. 
If you mention the area of Cumbaya, the first thing that comes out of an Ecuadorian's mouth is gringos, and ones that have money automatically labeled just for living there. 
But my favorite is a gringo stating that if you live in the Sur, then that means you are poor, wrong!
Many professionals like doctors and lawyers opt for this life as they can buy or rent property at affordable prices and simply travel to work like most. 
For example, you can rent a 3 bedroom apartment for $180 per month and your bills, including water, power, internet, and gas, are a lot cheaper than living on the coast. The power and water here I have found is $25 a month for all appliances on washing, TV, stereo, that sort of thing. Generally, that is the going rate Renting a furnished property may be $300 a month, but if you are planning on buying in the area, you can pick up furniture at decent prices.

Visiting the shopping malls, If you want to buy your favorite original designer brands as you would back home, expect to pay a lot more, sometimes triple the price. Importing these goods pays the price, which is why it can be expensive. However, this is Ecuador, and not everyone would go out and spend $150 on a top, which is why there are endless amounts of stores back street shops that sell everything for next to nothing. They are fakes, but they are very good fakes.If you don't like what you see, there are many highly skilled tailors who can make whatever you want at a very low price. Sizes are a problem here for the taller or larger person, so custom made is sometimes the best way.

All of this is available outside of street food or local watering holes; you can literally walk past a cafe or restaurant every 30 seconds, so you will be spoiled for choice.

I'm not saying to avoid shopping malls because I enjoy spending time there with my family.It isn't all that expensive, but when food is in high demand, like fresh produce, etc., I suggest going to the market. The Mercado is seriously a big place where they sell everything. All your meat, fruit, and vegetables. You can get a lot for your money there and also haggle to get an even better deal. Just looking at the layout is an experience in itself. So much to choose from. I highly suggest you shop there.

Looking away from the mall and focusing on some recreation time with the family or friends, we have two huge parks minutes away, football pitches,tennis courts, kids play areas,go karting, paintball,inflatable castles,bike tracks, or just places to sit, chill out, eat and drink from the stalls. The value of this is priceless. You will find Quito really is a great place for family activities, especially on a nice Sunday afternoon out and costs nothing really.

There are many schools to choose from. My boy is at a private school, which has a transportation service to and from the house. Price wise, it is on par with his old school in Portoviejo, but I feel he has a great set up here. The teachers are great, the school itself is secure and very well organised  also boasting a good standard of English, so if the teacher doesn t understand what he is saying in Spanish, he simply tells the English teacher. It s a relief knowing he is enjoying it and working hard even though he tells me he does nothing.

Unlike living in Manabi, I don't feel the need for a car up here because everything I need is right here: the local Quicentro Sur is only a few minutes away, transport accessibility is excellent, with the Trole bus running from South to North right on the doorstep, and the main terminal, Quitumbe, gateway to Ecuador, isn't far either. For the price of 25 cents, you can't go wrong,but the only thing I hate is that it can get very busy,like sardines in a tin, so hold onto your valuables and don't switch off.

I can't lie, I miss my Manabi life on some days, but there is so much opportunity up here. The people are great, always saying hello to me wherever I go, and because I am the only Englishman, or should I say foreigner, living in this area, I am recognised on a daily basis, all smiles and some comments on the football. It didn't take long for them to know that my team is Newcastle. It is as though people search for my team just to have a quick convo or

So, enough babbling; the original question was, "Is it expensive to live in Quito?" No  just look around and get a feel for it. 
For more information or some general advice, just leave a comment below or you can message my email at and I shall get back to you as soon as possible.

Friday, 19 August 2016

Ecuador Earthquake the day Manabi fell

Ecuador Earthquake the day Manabi fell

Hi guys, I wasn't going to write this story/report, but it is out now. Although it was a living nightmare, not just for me and my family, but the whole of Manabi, we are glad to be alive. That's the main thing. The government is doing a great job. Raphael Correa really has impressed. Hopefully, within five years, Manabi will be in a position to attract tourism again. This was totally unexpected and something the people of Manabi will never forget. I would like to thank all those who donated. It really did help some of the locals that were really in need. 
Since we've moved up to Quito, there will be fewer posts on Manabi aside from the ongoing progress, which I'll keep you updated on. We're still having earthquakes of a lower magnitude here in Quito, and I can't say when this will stop, but if you're planning on coming here, do some research, or I'll give you my honest opinion in the comments below. 

Ecuador earthquake view of Portoviejo after the devastation
Add caption 

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Ecuador Expats living in Manabi the truth!

After being asked various questions I have finally created an ebook to help you with everything. Many of you have similar queries which is understandable. The book is called Ecuador Expats living in Manabi the truth!
Book about life in Ecuador living in the Manabi province as an expat

Many people assume I am retired and just living out my years here, but this really isn't the case. If you go back through all of my posts, you will see that all of this began with just a simple holiday on my own, which escalated into living here full time. 

As previously stated, Manabi, or even Ecuador, is not for everyone. People simply cannot adjust to the culture or do without their usual comforting luxuries, and I do not hold that against them. It is a lot to ask for at times. Many people I have met have lasted only a matter of weeks or even days before having a change of heart. Not what they expected, and rightly so. 

In my opinion, the people that do this are retired expats. They have plenty of money and not a care in the world, but when things go wrong they can be like vultures preying on a new expat to arrive, butter them up and before you know it you are doing business with them, renting a property from them or even being persuaded to buy this cheap property that isn't so cheap after all.

There are probably many of my readers who are present expats who will be cursing me and saying I am talking out of my behind, but I have briefly chatted with a few people who felt cheated when they came here, but more so they felt disappointed because they thought they could trust their own, which is shocking behaviour. Who do you trust?

I am not saying every expat does this, but there seems to be quite a trend going on. I have even been approached on a few occasions. Maybe I should have signed up to an Ecuador group. People seem nice, then all of a sudden they are pushing me to invest. When they realize I have been living here longer than them, they ease off. Another example: a foreigner tried to dupe me into paying $30,000 more than the asking price for a property; it's not nice and really irritates you, so I tread carefully when meeting expats.

By reading Ecuador Expats living in Manabi the truth! You can see for yourself all of the mistakes I made, some that would just make you throw in the towel and walk away, but before making any commitment to visit here, the idea is to educate yourself through the resources I have provided and also understand what to expect the moment you get off the plane,and what to expect to pay for life here,but most importantly, come with an open mind. This is key to a successful trip.

Transportation services 
The process of determining whether a car's paperwork is up to date before purchasing it.
Advice from an architect
Personal translator 
And many more are included to help get you started in your quest to become a future expat.

If you take a look at the book and have any further questions or simply fancy a chat, all my details are listed there. I shall look forward to hearing from you. Si

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Why some expats could be destroying Ecuador

Why some expats could be destroying Ecuador 
This is an interesting topic that has recently been brought to my attention. Is it really true? Is it possible that some expats could be destroying Ecuador? At first, I thought it could be the overcrowding in certain hotspots. I do realise that more and more expats seem to reside in the same area and the community is growing largely, so I have listened to some views from a mixed group of Ecuadorians and here are some key points which I totally agree with after speaking about, 
To begin, yes, expats are trying to change areas to suit their needs and not fit into society; however, is this intentional? Maybe bars,cafes, restaurants, that sort of thing, in my eyes, is normal. People who are not retired need to make a living,which also gives people a choice on what food they eat, but if it is affecting an Ecuadorian business because of cheaper prices, then yes, they may have a point here, which brings me onto the main issue that has been highlighted here.

Real Estate 
This really is ugly at the moment, and I hadn't realised until it was pointed out to me, but expats that are looking to make money big time over here are the ones who buy up land in cash, build department complexes etc and charge a ridiculous price for them both for sale and for rent,which no Ecuadorian can afford.

A doctor's salary isn't bad depending on the level, but I briefly commented on a 3 bedroom property on the first floor that was going for $70,000; nice area, etc. He said it was doable, but he felt it was quite expensive and he could get better for the same price or for less. So he nearly had a heart attack when I showed him a new listing that I found on the internet, a 2 bedroom apartment on the beach, which isn't really developed yet, as it still doesn't have basic amenities, but this was going for $205,000, so quite a few swear words there. Who the hell puts a tag on a property like that? No intention of selling to locals, but rather to another foreign MUG! Yes, a MUG, because only a complete idiot would go there and say that is reasonable. 
So, yes, I am beginning to understand what some people are thinking now. Too many properties are being built at exorbitant prices, which may eventually drive some locals out. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. If a foreigner can command that price and high rent, why can't an Ecuadorian? Simply, no one has that kind of money.

So coming into this country and throwing your weight around because you have money is so wrong. By all means, set yourself up in a nice house. If you need to earn a small income, there are many ways, but day light robbery to hit the big time is pretty bad. Maybe you should have done this in your own country before you came here. 
This is the main conversation I have with people here now Why could some expats be destroying Ecuador,
I myself live like an Ecuadorian, being married to one. I respect the culture. I do not try to change things here. I am still here as a guest in a foreign country. Nothing more than that. It is me that has to adjust, which isn´t easy. We all have our daily struggles and don't agree with certain things over here. 
Is this posting something to worry about if you are an Ecuadorian? Yes, if foreigners continue to buy into these houses, but honestly, the way the country is now, I think it will be very hard for these expats to sell. Maybe a schoolboy's error that they may see in time. But if you are thinking of becoming an expat here, think out of the box, don't follow the sheep. I hope this post explains why some expats could be destroying Ecuador. Some input on this would be great, as there are always two sides to a story. Maybe this is good for the country in other ways as well. Leave a comment below and let's voice some opinions.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Housing complex in portoviejo

Housing complex in Portoviejo

If you have been to Portoviejo or have researched it online, then you will know that there is a hospital called the Solca, a big white building located outside the city between via Crucita and leading to the Paseo Lateral Road, that specialises in cancer and other conditions. The company that built this magnificent building has returned to Portoviejo to create a new housing complex, Fop Furoiani Obras Y Proyectos is the name and they are highly recommended for some of their previous work, designing one-off mansions to people's preference. With their head office being in Guayaquil, they have built many projects, some of which provide a jacuzzi and swimming pool out the back. here is their video  of what they are aiming for along with a few images

housing complex in portoviejo

housing complex in portoviejo entrance

1 floor housing complex in portoviejo

2 floor housing complex in portoviejo

layout of housing complex in portoviejo  rows of houses with communal areas
The Portoviejo project is no different. They are integrating their style by building 3 types of housing to compete with local housing projects currently going at present.This is not for everyone, mainly for professional-based people. That is what they are aiming for, bringing a bit of luxury to the area and continuing to provide Ecuador with quality workmanship.

Following on from a post about why living in Portoviejo is a great place to live I can further back this up by illustrating the problems locals are now and have been facing lately in areas such as Crucita, San Alejo, and pretty much all of the coast, where expats are eager to reside. Unfortunately, most of the roads have recently been wiped out due to adverse weather conditions. On the beach front, some say it was El niño? But it has left some people's houses in tatters, and the big clean up is now beginning, with truck loads of rocks on their way to try to repair the main beach front roads.

Whatever direction you go, it's a short journey to the beach . For me, it's a case of what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

By purchasing a property in this new housing complex in Portoviejo, it will also guarantee you a resident visa, which so many look for these days if they are not going for the retirement stage yet. Simply invest, and once all is completed, the local attorney will have everything sorted for you.

I am not a real estate person nor do i pick up any commission, but if you would like more information you can contact Jessica Garcia who also speaks English whatsapp 0998255343 or call direct 0980875629 7 days a week
To learn more about life in Manabi check out this newer post

Friday, 22 January 2016

English speaking Beach tour of Manabi

English speaking Beach tour of Manabi
From the last post about an English speaking guide in Manabi, I have had numerous emails ranging from where I would suggest living in Manabi to a request for some kind of English-speaking beach tour of Manabi that could be completed over a few days or even turn it into a week's worth of traveling, stopping over night at each beach. 
This is exactly what myself and Marlon are trying to achieve by showing you all of the lovely coastal areas that Manabi has to offer. You can decide for yourself. We don't need to sell it to you.

On this beach tour, which we are currently devising, you will have the opportunity to spend the day and night if desired, itinerary will consist of visiting potential property, walking along the beaches, and finding some areas of outstanding beauty for you to take pictures while soaking up that sea air. Stopping for a bite to eat, whether it is a light lunch and a beer or to taste what the coast has to offer.We will also arrange for you to ask questions of a few locals who will be happy to tell you about the area's history, what it has become, and what they believe it will be like in the future.

While doing all of this, if you wish to participate in any activities, such as boat trips to various islands, or even have a go at fishing, then this can be added to the list.

Every beach has its own uniqueness  By the time you have finished your tour, you will have found your desired hot spot.

So the answer to the first question (where I would suggest living in Manabi?) Really, this all comes down to you. There are plenty of areas to choose from. Either join an existing expat community or search for your own private retreat. For myself, I opted to live in Portoviejo. Why? The main reason was that beach life seemed too hot for me. It was great going for a few days, but full time I may have struggled.

Although most people go for the beach as their first choice, some tend to change their mind through factors such as climate and basic amenities. For example, you can check out my post on why live in Portoviejo over the beach, I shall look forward to your emails and please comment below, as there will be more coming soon once we have completed our packages for the English-speaking beach tour of Manabi.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

English speaking guide in Manabi

English speaking guide in Manabi
Well, this is something I get asked a lot, and my answer is that I personally don´t know anyone who specialises in this field,
 so I got talking with my friend tonight, who is Ecuadorian and has lived in Manabi all of his life, and who also speaks English. I have sat on the fence for nearly 6 years, just minding my own business and enjoying family life, until now, when I feel the knowledge and contacts I have obtained can finally be put to good use. Help others.

We plan to look after tourists,who wish to vacation in Manabi ,and ensure they have the best holiday that money can buy,whether that be a relaxing beach holiday, an action packed holiday,tour of Manabi or simply to party and enjoy themselves.

  What can we do for you? An English-speaking guide in Manabi 

For starters, we will pick you up from the airport and sort out reasonably priced accommodation to suit your needs. Depending on your arrival and journey times, the first night you will want to off load and get some shut eye fresh for the next day,

What would you like to do? 
There are many options depending on the purpose of your visit, whether you are on holiday or looking to live here. 
Some like to view all of the coastal areas, take photos, do a bit of shopping,and learn more about the history and culture,more of a tourist holiday. 
Others come to let their hair down, forget their problems, and have a quiet peaceful holiday or to party a few drinks and dance the night away.
And potential future expats like to see what options are available to them. Can they fit into the community and live out their days here?

We will cater to any person's age or interests. Our main goal is to ensure you feel safe with us and you get the most out of your holiday. If you need legal advice regarding a potential move here, visas etc., then we will take you to our first choice lawyer who speaks English and will attend to your needs. 
Finding properties to buy or rent can be stressful if you don't know where to look, so we'll give you an idea of what to expect to pay for a house and what to avoid by showing you around new build projects, land, or houses that need finishing, which may also help you get your residency visa. if the purpose of the holiday is to relocate here.

If you search on Google for pricing of a tour guide, there is normally a set fee per day, normally up to $250 per day,but we will charge $50-100, with additional expenses paid for, such as petrol, food, and accommodation for the guide if you wish to move around. We will be competitive and hopefully a lot more reasonable than others. We want you to get value for your money, and if you enjoy your stay, then maybe you can recommend our services to others.

If this is something that is of interest to you, then leave a comment below or message me,simondo1981@live we would like to hear your input, and also answer all of your questions English speaking guide in Manabi
Before you visit check out this post on life in Manabi Ecuador Expats living in Manabi the truth!

Update start of our    beach tour of manabi post and new housing complex in Portoviejo  by the people who built the solca hospital

Friday, 8 January 2016

no idea where ecuador is?

No idea where Ecuador is? Location of Ecuador, Ecuador is in South America between Colombia and Peru being there neighbours north and south, with Brazil being further east,sitting on the equator line, which is what led to the country being named Ecuador yes i am stating the obvious, but not many people know where the location of Ecuador is?
Here is detailed image
map of south america  pin pointing where ecuador is

Ecuador got its name in 1463 when the Inca Empire began, but prior to this, the land consisted of many indigenous Indian tribes who were at war with each other most of the time.

The Spanish conquered Ecuador in the 16th century and brought Spanish colonial rule to the land over the next couple of centuries. 

Much of the indigenous tribes were literally wiped out due to illness, as the spanish brought over with them a mixture of small pox and measles.

The 18th century took its toll and Ecuador's hope for independence was looking slim as most of its cities were in total ruins, but after much blood shed over a long period of time, independence was achieved in 1830. The land was ruled over the next 140 years by military and various political groups.

Through it´s neighbours in Peru, Ecuador lost many territories conflicting with it´s neighbours in the early 1900´s, then also a border war in 1995 that wasn´t resolved until 1999.

There has been 7 presidents since 96, which shows sign of instability
Ecuador is split up into different areas, on the North west just under 1400km from Quito Ecuador´s capital city are the Galapagos islands, which attract a lot of tourism due to it´s wildlife and beautiful coast lines.
Quito is a very large city surrounded by mountains(Andes) and also volcanoes one being very active at present (Cotopaxi) the climate is cooler  and high up can be difficult to adjust to the climate with the altitude. sierra region

Down the east you have the oriente,which backs on to the Amazon rain forest, eco lodges and cabins are a popular attraction for tourists who wish for some adventure or just to get out of the cities. Amaon region

The west consists of  a lovely coastal area starting from Esmeraldas at the most northern point  down past Santa Elena  going through small fishing villages,some busy with tourism and others completely untouched  Coastal region
For more information on the North side and equater here

Here is a brief layout of these 3 regions,
map of ecuador regions, amazon,sierra and coastal regions locations

To break it up some more here is a map of all the provinces, I live in the Manabi province the coastal area of Ecuador, but slightly inland  residing in a city called Portoviejo
map of ecuador provinces names and regions

Ecuador is quite a big country to explore ,so when visiting it is always good to have an idea on where it is you would like to be,  If life on the coast appeals to you then you can do some research on the villages and cities below that Manabi has to offer
map of ecuador´s manabi province names,cities and villages on the coast

The sucre highlighted in yellow seems to be an increasingly popular place for foreign expats to retire or begin their quest for beach life paradise little fishing villages such as crucita and san clemente you will find many foreigners living there.

For further information on areas in Manabi leave a comment and i shall get back to you, in the meantime you can browse through expat guides of ecuador  that will give you a further insight

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Ecuador why living in Portoviejo has it´s benefits

This post will cover why living in Portoviejo has its benefits. 
So I have been living here for over 5 years and it is safe to say I know my way around the city, who to see if you have a problem of any sort and where the nice areas are.

I joined an expat page on Facebook as it interested me to see how many people are living close to me. From browsing, I found that there are only a few expats living in Portoviejo, who I have never met, as most live on the beach nearby.

When I was asked where in Manabi I lived, Portoviejo seemed like a big shock to everyone, all with the same question of why? 
Well, there are many reasons why I ended up living here rather than at the beach, and here they are.

Health San Clemente has nothing; maybe one doctor, but if you have a problem, you'll need to go to Portoviejo or even Manta for treatment. Portoviejo has many hospitals and clinics. The Solca specialises in cancer, along with other major illnesses. Many people come from all over the province for treatment here. Even the public hospitals, I feel, are at a decent standard with English-speaking doctors and just a general relief that you are in safe hands. There are trained specialists around the city. 
My doctor is a perfect example of someone who speaks English, is very well educated and looks after you as if you were some sort of celebrity. Everyone will have a different experience with hospitals. I have seen a few gringos complain about public hospitals and opt for the private or clinics, which are scattered around the city. If you have children, there are some brilliant paediatric doctors around, so really you have it all here and everything is generally close.

Shops In Portoviejo, there really is a shop for everything. In the centre of town, there are many outlets for electronics,clothes,car parts, specialist services, etc., which you won´t find at the beach, so you will have to come here at some point. There are numerous department stores and two shopping malls, one on Paseo Shopping and the other on Avenue Manabi. The list goes on. If you need something, you will be able to get it in Portoviejo.

Food and Drink Coastal food is generally delicious, fresh fish, shrimp, etc.,and boasts a nice nightlife with beach front bars open all day and night, and in fairness, over the years there has been a nice variety of food, but again, Portoviejo being a small city has it all; restaurants, fast food, you name it, we have got it; Italian, Chinese,and typical Ecuadorian food., Ceviche and Encebollado have to be my favourite food here. Many outlets, but I normally stick to my local a few minutes from home. There are many bars around the city's avenue universitaria where it is mainly students having a beer with friends, but the main area is avenue Manabi leading to the airport where you can find some lovely bars that also do food and a mixture of night clubs or shall we say discoteque if you fancy a boogie or a karaoke night.

Services There are many services you will require over time, legal or seeking specialist people. I will start with mechanics, body repair and parts. Like most things, cars need parts, things go wrong and you need someone who you can trust to get the job done. Again, there are many mechanics here. Some are good, some are bad, some are cheap, some are also expensive. Luckily, my father-in-law introduced me to the good ones, so any issue I take the car there or he will come and get it. If you were at the beach, what would you do? 
Parts for the car as i said previously, Portoviejo has a shop for anything, so you should be able to source the car parts you want. If you require a hand-made part or modification, there are many highly skilled people here who can perform some amazing tasks at affordable prices. Cough, cough. I couldn't say the same thing about the UK without having a bill over a grand.

Lawyers Keep it brief again, there are many about. Mine speaks English, did all my visas and even helped me get a visa for my wife when I went back to the UK for a holiday. No hiccups, everything has always run smooth. I will name drop Flori Zambrano if you want to mention my name  simon the english man it´s up to you, but she is in my eyes the best very professional

Climate We all like the sun, or we wouldn´t be living here, but for me the beach gets too much for me. It is an English man s dream to live on the beach. Well, for most it is drinking cocktails watching the world go by,but I am fair-skinned, so instant red lobster, plenty of suncream, and plenty of after sun later on. 
I love a good day at the beach with my family, but could I do it every single day? No, definitely not. Even my wife ( Ecuadorian) and son only like the odd day out there, so if moving to the area with children, really think about it before you commit to anything. Many a time I have seen people on these Facebook pages move after 2 weeks of being on the beach, because it is too hot. The rainy season can't be fun on the beach. From previous visits, the roads become destroyed and not to mention the houses, so be careful when buying a beach house.

Power and water Ecuador has improved a lot since I first came here, but you have more chance of the power going out living on the beach than you do in the city, so it is a case of how long will it take until you are back on? It can t be fun. Most properties on the coast don't have running water, so you will need to hire a (tanquero) man with a water truck to empty into your cisterna. How much water will you use on the beach? I don't know, but in the city you are looking at about $15 per month, which is regular running water. A tanquero can be anything from $15 to $30, which is not fun when you run out or the man has a shortage or is busy the day you need it. But in time, the beach villages should have running water when though? I have no idea.

Safe secure living Although living on the beach is nice, people take security for granted, with literally no security other than a bamboo kind of front gate. big mistake. Although locals are lovely people, the tourism side can attract the odd bad apple who stays over night and decides that they will take a chance of opening up your house. by all means, that is the worst case scenario, but looking at some of the houses, if it were to happen, you are not very safe. .

Schools for your kids  This is only relevant if you have children, but Portoviejo has a wide range of schools to choose from, from public to private, with varying prices. 

Things to do Living on the beach I feel you are very limited to what you can do, so if you want a change you will need to take a bus or drive, Portoviejo has many activities/places to go, like the local parks,swimming pools, cinemas, or shopping. You won t get bored, but the sun plays a big factor in what you can do..

Housing and accessibility  For housing, there are more and more projects, gated communities being built here in Portoviejo at reasonable prices, which will gain you profit in the long run. Beach houses in San Clemente and San Jacinto are way overpriced, and an Ecuadorian will never pay those prices. Portoviejo is an up and coming city. Plans to develop the airport into a mini Dubai are on the agenda, funded by a Spaniard. 
Accessibility really means living here in Portoviejo. You can get to any destination you want. There is a bus station that fires out buses to every area in Ecuador; Quito, Esmeraldas, Guayaquil, Cuenca, and all the small surrounding villages and cities. 
You have a choice of which beach to go to: Manta Crucita or San Clemente leading to Canoa, or you can head the other direction down the route del Sol, Puerto Cayo, etc. 
Don´t get stuck in a rut. Generally, living here, everywhere is easy to get to, which is why, without being bias, Portoviejo is everything I need in my life..

So I hope this clarifies a few things about why I don t follow the crowd and live in those coastal villages. Paradise is where you feel happy, not just because there is a large community of expats at the beach telling you to move there. English speaking guide? if so check out my  guide post

For more information on life in Manabi here is a new post Ecuador Expats living in Manabi the truth!

Ecuador expat newbies

Hi all, I have had a few questions sent in lately. Most are similar to people taking the plunge of coming here and not sure of what it is they are looking for. For Ecuador expat newbies, I will briefly speak about certain subjects, but I will create further posts on each point so you are fully aware.

As an expat or future expat newbie, it is always advised to visit the country first, understand what it is you are after; a hot or cold climate, city life,beach life, or up in the mountains. Once you have decided, then it is time for some research. There are expats dotted all over the place; up in Quito, down in Cuenca, and a few on the coast. 
I live in the Manabi province in a city called Portoviejo. It has everything I want, and is also a short trip to nearby beaches, such as Manta,Crucita, and San Clemente

Wherever you go, the price of property varies, but primarily, most people rent a place until they commit to buying it. If you research this by using the website you can see for yourself the average house price and rentables in any chosen area in Ecuador.

The reason I say this is that the biggest scavengers after your money will be your own people.

Many come here, buy up land, build some houses and realise they can´t get the rent they are looking for, as an Ecuadorian will not pay more than $300 unless it has something pretty special,so they see a new expat, feed them the paradise pitch and boom you are now paying $600 for a 1 bedroom cottage/apartment. Yes, that is their business, it lines their pockets,but if you have money to waste, then this may be the simplest route to take, but bear in mind an Ecuadorian´s basic wage is $370 per month. So introduce yourself, gather as much information as you can, and begin making some decisions. Even though there are some scavengers, there are actually some nice, genuine people.

OK, the next question is, what kind of expat are you? 
Are you retired and financially sound, or are you looking to make a living here? 
This never seems to get mentioned as people assume everyone is retired who comes out here. Well,
 I am not retired, so my life is very different to an expat coming here to just sit back and enjoy life.

There are many factors you need to consider if you are not in the retirement category. Do you have a profession or are you looking to create a business or a simple job to just get by? 
With a profession, chances are you should find a job, but don't expect the same wage you were on back home; it will be less.

Creating a business, this really is tough. You must understand the culture and do plenty of market research. What works back home doesn't always work over here. Trust me, I have tried to bring many ideas from England over here and most have failed.. here is more information on this

Although people use the internet for websites like OLX or Mercado Libre, you will find that people don't like to shop online, a major trust issue from previous and present scams that circulate throughout the country. For example, if you use Facebook as a business page, people will like your products but hardly ever buy them unless you have a physical shop that they can visit.

Pricing If you are selling an item for $80, 9 times out of 10, you will get an offer for 40 or 50 dollars. Don't get too upset about this, as everyone does this. You will rarely get your asking price unless you stick to your guns..

When living over here, you must have an open mind and patience. Manana Manana is some expat pet hate. Everyone is in a rush, so don´t expect all your problems to be resolved on that same day. I still mutter a few words under my breath at times. 
Poverty is here, so don´t be shocked. It will be out of your comfort zone,so try to deal with it as best you can. 
What is cheap to you is expensive to others, so maybe you should keep the great deal you got on your $200k house to yourself.

Blend in try to dress similarly or simply, avoid wearing expensive jewelry. Crime is here, but crime is everywhere in the world. Just don't be the ideal target.

Animals not all dogs are pets. Many are street dogs, unwanted and left to fend for themselves. Some may be found dead on the road. It does pull on the heart strings in a big way. You may feel the need to help or do something about it, but you seem to be fighting a lost cause even if you do have a big heart and think it is the right thing to do.

Money Generally, stay clear of using $50 and $100 notes. Try to use $5 or $10 notes, even change when walking around. Things are relatively cheap and most can't change your money, but if you are in dire straights, go to a petrol station. They will change it..

Cars For some expats, it is preferable to use public transport rather than drive, but for me, I prefer to use my own car. This is a big part of your life you must tackle. Well, for me it is. Prices are very high, and it is hard to justify handing over your money to buy a car that you could quite easily get back home for next to nothing, so have a long think about it before going out and buying guide to buying cars
New cars, big, new, expensive cars Stay clear of it. Why, you may ask? If you are driving a new BMW in Manabi, you will be watched as envy sets in, which could result in your car being scratched, damaged, or even stolen, among other things. So I suggest blending in again. You don't need to go out and buy a banger that will constantly give you heartache going to the mechanic. Change your buying attitude. A downgrade it will always be in my eyes. Gone are the days where I used to drive turbo cars.

I will leave it there for now as there is a lot to soak in, but I will add to this. I am by no means trying to put anyone off. I just want you to have your eyes opened and be prepared. I have found my paradise in Portoviejo. You will all find yours. I guarantee you will love this country once you know what you want here. Feel free to leave a comment/question and I shall respond as soon as I can.